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40 km/h school speed limitsA 40km/h time-based school speed limit will be introduced across the state to improve children’s safety and help them when they travel to and from school.
Adelaide Aquatic CentreA modern, fit-for-purpose aquatic centre will be designed and built to replace the existing facility to deliver better amenities and services.
Adelaide Hills Productivity and Road Safety PackageAims to upgrade some of the region's key strategic arterial roads to support economic growth, and improve road safety and fire resilience.
Adelaide Road, Mount Barker Roundabout UpgradeUpgrading the intersection of Adelaide Road, Alexandrina Road, Wellington Road and Flaxley Road. This upgrade will ensure safe and efficient access for all road users.
Aldinga Rail ExtensionA corridor of land at Aldinga has been preserved for a future extension of the Seaford rail line to Aldinga.
Amy Gillett Bikeway Extension ProjectProposes to extend the bikeway from Mount Torrens at Oval Road to the intersection with Onkaparinga Valley Road in Birdwood.
Anderson Walk Bicycle and Pedestrian Actuated Crossing (BPAC)As part of the State Government’s commitment to enhancing pedestrian safety, the Department for Infrastructure and Transport will design and install a bicycle and pedestrian actuated crossing on Anderson Walk, Smithfield.
Augusta Highway Freight Highway Upgrade ProgramPart of the Freight Highway Upgrade Program (FHUP) to improve the safety and reliability of national freight routes in South Australia.
Augusta Highway UpgradesUpgrades along 209 km of road between Port Wakefield and Port Augusta to improve safety, connectivity and freight efficiency.
Barrier Highway upgradesUpgrading the Barrier Highway to enable use by larger heavy vehicles.
Belair Road retaining walls maintenance worksUpgrading retaining walls along Belair Road for enhanced safety and durability.
Brighton Road Intersection UpgradesUpgrading Brighton Road intersections at South Brighton and Hove, as well as the Automated Train Protection system on the Seaford line.
Cape Jervis and Kangaroo Island Ports UpgradeImproving safety and access for passenger and vehicles and supporting economic growth.
Churchill Road, Ovingham Pocket ParkReturning open green space to the community on Churchill Road, Ovingham while creating safer connections through the space.
Coast ParkEstablishing a linear park along Adelaide’s metropolitan coastline between Semaphore Park and West Lakes Shore.
Cross Road and Fullarton Road Intersection UpgradeThis intersection was identified as a priority location to address road congestion and keep traffic flowing in the Keeping Metro Traffic Moving Report.
Cycling and Pedestrian ImprovementsImproving pedestrian access and safety by delivering new Bicycle and Pedestrian Actuated Crossings (BPAC/PAC) and new or upgraded pedestrian refuges
Dukes Highway Freight Highway Upgrade ProgramPart of the Freight Highway Upgrade Program (FHUP) to resurface roads on the Dukes Highway at multiple locations between Coomandook and Bordertown.
Eyre Highway UpgradesUpgrades between Port Augusta and the Western Australian border to construct new overtaking lanes, new and upgraded heavy vehicle rest areas, junction upgrades and safety measures.
Eyre Peninsula Grain Export Supply Chain Planning StudyA planning study to consider options for delivering an optimal and viable export grain supply chain on the Eyre Peninsula.
Flinders Highway Safety UpgradesDelivering critical road safety upgrades to improve long term safety and efficiency for all road users.
Flood Recovery - Targeted Investment to Improve National Supply Chain ResilienceRemediation of areas affected by floods and improving flood resilience of important highways in the far north.
Freight Highway Upgrade ProgramUpgrading and improving safety and reliability on the Stuart, Augusta, and Dukes highways.
Glen Osmond Road and Fullarton Road Intersection UpgradeThe upgrade will improve travel times and road safety, increase intersection capacity and enhance network reliability.
Glen Osmond Road, Kenilworth Road and Young Street Intersection Pedestrian ImprovementsImproving safety at the pedestrian crossing on Glen Osmond Road near Parkside Primary School.
Gorge Road - Rockfall Risk ManagementMonitoring weather conditions throughout the year for increased risks of rock fall, which would require closing Gorge Road to ensure the safety of road users.
Grange Road Level Crossing Safety and Access SurveyImproving safety, access and traffic flow at the level crossing on Grange Road, Hawthorn.
Grange Road, Holbrooks Road and East Avenue Intersection UpgradePart of the Broader Network Upgrades to relieve congestion and improve safety and connectivity for all road users.
Happy Valley Drive Intersections Planning StudyIdentifying potential upgrade options on intersections at Chandlers Hill Road and Windebanks Road to improve safety and address delays.
Heaslip Road and Curtis Road Intersection UpgradeDelivering a dual-lane roundabout at the Angle Vale intersection to improve safety, ease congestion and support future population growth.
High Productivity Vehicle Network ProjectDeveloping a strategic business case for a High Productivity Vehicle Network. The network comprises a corridor from the SA/VIC border to the SA/WA border.
Hindmarsh Valley Overtaking LanesProviding an opportunity to safely overtake slower moving vehicles on a section Victor Harbor Road that is within hilly and windy terrain.
Horrocks Highway UpgradesUpgrading the 245 km road section between Wilmington and Gawler to improve safety, connectivity and freight efficiency.
James Congdon Drive and Sir Donald Bradman Drive upgradePart of the Broader Network Upgrades to add right-turn lanes to improve network connectivity.
Joy Baluch AM Bridge DuplicationImproving road safety and efficiency for all users, freight productivity and the resilience of this critical road link, while addressing speed restrictions.
Kangaroo Island Road Safety and Bushfire Resilience PackageImproving road safety and freight productivity, including road widening, shoulder sealing and minor intersection improvements.
Kidman Bridge Renewal WorksPart of the Bridge Maintenance Program to renew the bridge with eco-friendly materials, and improve safety, sustainability and structural durability.
Kings Road Pedestrian and Bicycle Upgrade ProjectImproving the safety of pedestrians and cyclists crossing Kings Road at the level crossing near Thomas More College in Salisbury Downs.
Laffers Road PlanningPart of the Mitcham Hills Road Corridor Upgrade to improve safety and traffic flow along Old Belair Road.
Lefevre Peninsula Upgrades ProjectIncreasing the capacity of the road network to support the defence expansion at Osborne and improve future heavy vehicle access to the port.
Main North Road and Target Hill Road, Salisbury HeightsImproved access and safety for vehicles turning right from Target Hill Road onto Main North Road by signalising the intersection.
Main South Road Duplication Stage 1Part of Fleurieu Connections to provide safer and faster journeys from Seaford to Aldinga and support local tourism and communities.
Main South Road Overtaking Lanes - Normanville to Cape JervisDelivering new overtaking lanes at three locations on Main South Road between Myponga and Cape Jervis to improve road safety.
Main South Road: Southern Expressway to Robinson Road Planning StudyUndertaking a planning study for this section of Main South Road to understand local considerations and issues to inform future upgrades.
Majors Road InterchangeProvides further access to the Southern Expressway and improved access to Glenthorne National Park, SWBMX Facility and Southern Soccer Facility.
Mallee Highway Safety UpgradesDelivering road safety upgrades to improve safety, freight efficiency and support regional economic growth.
Manton Street and Adam Street junction upgradePart of the Broader Network Upgrades to add a left-turn lane to add capacity for city-bound traffic and improve access to the River Torrens Linear Path.
Marion Road and Cross Road Level Crossing RemovalPart of the Tram Grade Separation Projects (TGSP) to remove the two level crossings on the Glenelg tram line at Plympton.
Marion Road and Sir Donald Bradman Drive Intersection UpgradeDelivering safety and capacity improvements in Brooklyn Park to address congestion and improve access to the Adelaide Airport.
Master Planning for Harbour PrecinctsMaster planning to guide future development and inform future funding considerations for Cape Jervis Harbour Precinct and Penneshaw Harbour Precinct.
Mike Turtur Bikeway UpgradeDelivering a shared use path over the rail corridor at Goodwood to improve connectivity and safety, as well as safe and inclusive access to the railway station.
Morphett Road Level Crossing RemovalPart of the Tram Grade Separation Projects (TGSP) to remove the level crossing where the Glenelg tram line crosses Morphett Road.
Mount Barker and Adelaide Hills Transport StudyA project on the South Eastern Freeway to consider transport needs and investment priorities to support population growth, economic growth and liveability.
Naracoorte Road UpgradesUpgrades include shoulder construction and sealing, curve widening, Audio Tactile Line Marking (ATLM), improved signage, safety barrier and vegetation management.
New Women’s and Children’s HospitalBuilding a bigger, future-ready facility that offers modern care with more beds and theatres, and expanded healthcare services for women and families.
Northern Adelaide Suburbs Road UpgradesUpgrading and investigating potential upgrades in the northern suburbs to improve safety, access and traffic flow.
Northern Adelaide Transport StudyA transport study for northern Adelaide inner and outer suburbs to inform future transport planning and investment in the region.
Oodnadatta Track Formation works and Floodway ConstructionReforming 41km of the existing Oodnadatta Track to ensure it can remain open or reopen earlier after rain events.
Port Augusta Wharf UpgradeMaking improvements to reinvigorate the waterfront
Port Bonython JettyCritical maintenance works and refurbishment of key structural elements to extend the operational lifespan by 40 years.
Port Wakefield Overpass and Highway DuplicationImproving traffic flow and reducing congestion, and improving safety and freight productivity along the National Land Transport Network.
Porter Street, Liverpool Street and Railway Place Intersection UpgradeUpgrading the Lincoln Highway and Porter Street intersection in Port Lincoln. The proposed concept design includes installing traffic signals, with pedestrian crossing facilities, and improved footpaths, safety and traffic movements.
Princes Highway UpgradesUpgrading regional road networks to support regional economic growth, improve access for high productivity freight movements, and improve long-term safety.
Raglan Avenue, Edward Street and South Road network upgradePart of the Broader Network Upgrades to add a new link road to help remove the dog-leg movement of traffic and improve safety.
Railway Station ImprovementsPart of an ongoing program to improve the amenity of railway stations on Adelaide's metropolitan rail network.
Recovery WorksRepairing and reconstructing roads affected by intense weather events, including intense rain or flash flooding.
Richmond Road and Railway Terrace Intersection UpgradePart of the Broader Network Upgrades to address current congestion issues and increase future capacity for this key link between the CBD and western suburbs.
River Road Junction ImprovementsImproving safety and access at junctions along River Road.
River Torrens to Darlington (T2D) ProjectCreating 78km of non-stop, traffic light-free motorway between Gawler and Old Noarlunga. Drivers will be able to bypass 21 sets of traffic lights.
Road Safety ProgramWorks on regional roads and highways will include road resurfacing, curve and road widening, shoulder sealing, safety barrier installation and audio-tactile line marking (ATLM).
Rosewater Loop ProjectConverting the disused railway line through Rosewater and Ottaway into a green open space for the community.
Shepherds Hill Road, Brighton Parade and Waite Street IntersectionPart of the Mitcham Hills Road Corridor Upgrade to improve safety for road users, reduce traffic delays and increase access to local streets and businesses.
South Australian Rural Roads Safety PackageImproving safety and travel times while enhancing connectivity between people and places, business and markets on the regional and rural road transport network.
South Eastern Freeway Heavy Vehicle Safety ReviewComprehensive review of heavy vehicle safety on the freeway down-track between Crafers and the intersection of Cross Road, Portrush Road and Glen Osmond Road.
South Eastern Freeway InterchangesAiming to improve connectivity to the South Eastern Freeway and improve the capacity of the Mount Barker and Verdun interchanges.
South Eastern Freeway UpgradeThe South Eastern Freeway provides the most direct connection between Adelaide and Melbourne. It is a key corridor connecting Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills
South Road Tram OverpassPart of the Tram Grade Separation Projects (TGSP) to rebuild the tram overpass and enable the construction of the River Torrens to Darlington (T2D) Project.
Spencer Highway safety upgradesDelivering critical road safety upgrades to the Spencer Highway between Wallaroo and Moonta.
Springbank Road Traffic StudyUndertaking a traffic safety and access review for Springbank Road to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety and access.
Statewide Road Improvement and Renewal WorksRoad improvements and maintenance works, including resurfacing, kerbing, drainage, Black Spot Program projects and shoulder sealing works.
Streaky Bay Jetty Remediation WorksUndertaking work on the Streaky Bay Jetty to extend the jetty's life and improve on experience for all users.
Strzelecki Track Upgrade and Sealing ProjectRehabilitating pavements and sealing the road alignment to stop the granular roads pavement deteriorating and minimising damage during inclement weather.
Stuart Highway Freight Highway Upgrade ProgramPart of the Freight Highway Upgrade Program (FHUP) to undertake works on the Stuart Highway at multiple locations extending from the SA/NT border south to Port Augusta.
Stuart Highway Rest AreasConstructing new and upgraded rest areas to improve safety and provide additional opportunities for heavy vehicle operators to stop and rest.
Sturt Highway Corridor UpgradeExtending the highway through the townships of Nuriootpa, Truro, Blanchetown, Waikerie, Barmera, Berri and Renmark to support regional economic growth.
Sturt Precinct Traffic StudyReviewing existing conditions in the area to better understand local road user issues and concerns regarding safety and access.
The Grove Way and Canterbury Drive, Salisbury HeightsWidening of the centre median on The Grove Way to improve ease of turning right from Canterbury Drive and accommodate buses to improve safety and reduce congestion in Salisbury Heights.
The Grove Way and Green Valley Drive, Salisbury HeightsReducing delays and congestion for vehicles turning right from Green Valley Drive onto The Grove Way in Salisbury Heights.
The Grove Way Intersection Upgrades, Golden GrovePart of the Black Spot Program to improve road safety by upgrading signals at two major intersections in Golden Grove.
Victor Harbor Road DuplicationPart of Fleurieu Connections to provide safer, faster journeys from Main South Road to McLaren Vale and Willunga Hill and support local tourism and communities.
Wallaroo Roads RehabilitationPavement works on Magazine Road, Sharples Road and Hughes Street to improve safety, access and amenity of the road for all users.
West Lakes Boulevard Road Management Plan (RMP)Identifying opportunities in the short and medium term to improve the operations and safety of the road corridor for all users.
Wynn Vale Drive and Bridge Road Junction UpgradeUpgraded junction to signalise the intersection in Gulfview Heights and to widen Bridge Road to improve safety for all road users.