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The Wardang Island/Waraldi Infrastructure Revitalisation Project
Wednesday, 3 February 2021
Wardang Island, also known as Waraldi to the Narungga people, is an island located 10km west of Port Victoria, on the mid-west coast of the Yorke Peninsula. The island is owned and managed by the Aboriginal Lands Trust, who represent the traditional owners of the area, the Narungga people.
In February 2018 the Buthera Agreement between the South Australian Government and the Narungga people was established to assist the Narungga community in securing cultural, social and economic wellbeing.
The agreement led to the Wardang Island/Waraldi Infrastructure Revitalisation Project which included development of a boat landing facility. The opportunity then arose to collaborate with the Australian Government to address the presence of dilapidated asbestos buildings that have been on the island since the early 1900’s.
This $4.5 million project is being delivered by the South Australian Government, funded in partnership with the Australian Government, and in close consultation with local Aboriginal people and communities.
The project is envisaged to open up new economic, recreational and cultural opportunities for the local Narrunga communities and will be completed by late 2021, weather permitting.
The delivery of this project has been in close consultation with key stakeholders, including:
- The Aboriginal Lands Trust (ALT)
- The Point Pearce Aboriginal Corporation
- The Narungga Nations Aboriginal Corporation
The Wardang Island/Waraldi Infrastructure Revitalisation Project comprises of the construction of:
- a boat landing facility to ensure safe access to the Island;
- the removal of asbestos and demolition of 19 abandoned buildings, which were used for the mining of lime sand on the island which had been used as a flux in the smelting operations at Port Pirie during the early 1900’s; and
- the construction of new building facilities to accommodate Indigenous Rangers and the local Narrunga community.
The project, in collaboration with the Australian Government has been progressing well and there is great anticipation for the opportunities that will enable the Narrunga people to secure and enhance their cultural, social and economic wellbeing.
Further information, including history and media, can be found at:
Wardang Island Home Page (veryphotographic.com.au)
Find out more in the video on the project website below.