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Be proactive and nominate to stand for this year’s Local Government elections
Friday, 17 August 2018
If you are passionate about your neighbourhood and interested in representing your community, you might like to think about nominating in the 2018 council elections.
Many of the services and facilities available in your community are provided by your council, however most of the services are chosen by the elected members of the council based on community needs.
Being an elected member is considered to be a privileged position and one of the most direct ways that you can influence decisions that affect the quality of life in your local area.
As community leaders, elected members have a wide range of responsibilities, including representing the interests of electors, making decisions about community assets such as playgrounds, parks, roads or large infrastructure, and making judgements about competing pressures and demands on resources of the council.
Nominations to stand for election open on Tuesday 4 September and close midday Tuesday 18 September 2018.
Councils are hosting information sessions for people interested in nominating for council.
Candidate Information Kits are available from local council or the Electoral Commission of SA.
Keep an eye on your local newspapers and your councils’ websites for more information.
Voting in council elections will close 5pm Friday 9 November 2018.
Further details on council elections can be found on the Local Government Association website at www.lga.sa.gov.au/councilelections