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Safety upgrade for the Greenhill Road and Portrush Road intersection, Linden Park
Friday, 18 May 2018
The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) will commence work to improve safety for pedestrians and road users at the Greenhill Road and Portrush Road intersection on 21 May 2018.
Improvements are also aimed to reduce the risk of rear end and left turn vehicle collisions.
Works will include:
- Installing a signalised left turn lane from Greenhill Road into Portrush Road for motorists heading south
- Installing a signalised sheltered left-turn lane from Portrush Road into Greenhill Road for motorists heading east
- Landscaping along Portrush Road
- Upgrading the existing lighting to LED
- Installing an uninterrupted power supply to provide temporary backup power to the intersection in the event of a power outage.
To minimise the inconvenience to pedestrians and road users, the majority of works will be undertaken at night time between 7pm and 6am.
All roads will remain open to traffic with a 25 km/h speed restriction in place while workers are on site.
Lane and other speed restrictions may apply subject to on-site conditions so please take care when travelling through work zones.
Works are expected to be completed by the end of June 2018, weather permitting.
The City of Burnside has provided its support for the project and donated part of its land for a road reserve.
This $420 000 project is jointly funded by the Australian Government’s Black Spot Program and the South Australian Government’s Asset Improvement Program.
Feedback can be provided via:
- email: dpti.communityrelations@sa.gov.au
- telephone: 1300 794 880
- the online feedback form at www.dpti.sa.gov.au/infrastructure/greenhillportrush
Further details about the project and a concept plan are available at www.dpti.sa.gov.au/infrastructure/greenhillportrush