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Road projects bonanza for Adelaide’s northern suburbs
Monday, 14 November 2022
Community feedback is sought on infrastructure planning studies supporting almost $16 million worth of road, intersection and junction upgrades in Adelaide’s northern suburbs.
The planning studies or traffic investigations include:
- Wynn Vale Drive upgrades: $7 million to plan, design and construct upgrades to the junction of Wynn Vale Drive and Bridge Road (and plan for future upgrades at Wynn Vale Drive and The Golden Way), in Gulfview Heights and Wynn Vale.
- Northern Suburbs local roads initiative: $5 million to plan, design and construct upgrades to The Grove Way junctions with Canterbury Drive, Green Valley Drive and Atlantis Drive, and the junction of Main North Road and Target Hill Road, all located in Salisbury Heights or Golden Grove.
- John Rice Avenue and Haydown Road junction upgrade: $1.5 million to plan, design and construct a signalised intersection and pedestrian crossing at this Elizabeth Vale intersection.
- Yorktown Road and Adams Road roundabout: $1.5 million to plan, design and construct a roundabout at this intersection in Craigmore.
- Community led road management plan for Nelson Road: $300,000 to conduct a study to identify initiatives to reduce congestion and improve safety on Nelson Road, from Wright Road to McIntyre Road.
- Curtis Road and Dalkeith Road planning study: $250,000 for a planning study to inform future infrastructure requirements for Curtis and Dalkeith Roads in the Playford City and Gawler council areas.
- Main North Road and Regency Road intersection planning study: $250,000 to further investigate traffic issues at and around the intersection of Main North and Regency roads, in Prospect, Enfield and Sefton Park.
- Mawson Lakes Local Area Plan: $100,000 to review local accessibility in the vicinity of the Mawson Lakes Interchange, and analyse options for addressing these problems.
The Department for Infrastructure and Transport will commence engagement activities from today, Monday, 14 November, to allow community members to have their say on the planning studies and traffic investigations informing seven of the above projects. Community engagement for the Mawson Lakes Local Area Plan, including a community survey and face-to-face activities, will kick off in the New Year.
The State Government has also funded and partnered with the City of Playford to deliver a traffic management plan at Blake’s Crossing. The first round of consultation for this project is currently underway, with a survey aimed at understanding local residents’ traffic experiences open until Thursday 1 December.
Community and stakeholder engagement is vital to the successful design and delivery of all these projects, which are all in varying stages of procurement and development.
For more information about each project, or to access the surveys and register for project updates, please visit www.dit.sa.gov.au/northroadupgrades.