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South Road Superway closure
Tuesday, 24 December 2019
As part of the Northern Connector Project, the South Road Superway will be closed to traffic in both directions between Regency Park and the Port River Expressway/Salisbury Highway for approximately two weeks, from 3pm, Thursday, 2 January 2020.
This includes:
- Off-ramp to Salisbury Highway (eastbound)
- Off-ramp to Port River Expressway (west bound)
- Salisbury Highway off-ramp to South Road Superway (southbound)
- Salisbury Highway off-ramp to South Road (beneath the Superway)
Access to the Port River Expressway, Salisbury Highway, South Road and Grand Junction Road will be maintained via detours.
South Road, beneath the South Road Superway will remain open in both directions, with access via local roads.
Speed and lane restrictions will apply in the vicinity of the works including the Port River Expressway and Salisbury Highway during these times.
The South Road Superway is expected to re-open by 5am, Monday 13 January, weather permitting.
These works will allow for the final stages of construction for the Southern Interchange including resurfacing asphalt works, new line marking and installation of road signage.
Please plan ahead and allow additional travel time.
For more information on the Northern Connector Project visit https://www.dpti.sa.gov.au/nsc/northern_connector