Country driving

Country roads are less busy than city roads, but you're usually travelling faster, and you need to be especially careful.

  • Don't overtake unless you’re sure the road ahead is clear. Large vehicles and winding roads can make it hard to see ahead. If you're not sure, stay where you are. Use overtaking lanes whenever you can.
  • Slow down on dirt roads. Look out for potholes, dust and flying gravel. Go as slow as you feel you need to.
  • If you’re driving long distances, make sure you get plenty of sleep before you start. Take regular breaks when you're driving.
  • Keep a lookout for wildlife. If you see road signs warning there are animals in the area, be extra careful.
  • Take extra care if you come across slow-moving vehicles. Slow down, and only overtake when you know it’s safe.
  • Always stick to the speed limit. It's safer, and you'll avoid a big fine.


  • Make sure you drive with your headlights on at all times – this helps you and other drivers see each other coming from a distance.

did you

  • The chance of being in a crash where people are injured or killed nearly doubles with each 10km/h increase in speed on 110km/h roads.
  • Most crashes on South Australian country roads involve only one vehicle.

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