Government of SA - Department for Infrastructure and Transport
Community Programs
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Community Road Safety Groups

Information on Community Road Safety Groups can be found here.

Living Neighbourhoods

Living Neighbourhoods helps communities that want to benefit from improved road safety on their local streets. We offer tools and information to turn your ideas into action. These could be quite specific, for example encouraging more people to enjoy their local spaces or developing safer places for children to play. Otherwise, you might want to address a specific concern, see more respect between different road users and residents, or take part in creating a neighbourhood where people feel more comfortable and included.

Living Neighbourhoods Website

Moving Right Along

Moving Right Along: Obligations and Opportunities for Older Drivers is a resource for communities, individuals, families and friends that provides information about issues facing older drivers, driving safely and alternatives to driving.


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smarter travel @ work

The smarter travel @ work program works with Councils and workplaces to achieve a reduction in car use for travel to/from work and/or for workday travel, while contributing to targets on safer, greener and more active travel. Workplaces work with DPTI and Council to make incremental reductions in workplace travel through the delivery of initiatives and small scale projects over a two year timeframe.

General Enquiries:

Courtney Bartosak
Coordinator Community Partnerships and Programs

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TravelSMART engages residents in a specific target area to identify some of their transport issues and work collaboratively to develop a possible solution, with the objective of also reducing overall personal car use. Individuals are provided with a few options, and any necessary tools (e.g. journey plan), and are followed up on their progress throughout the project.

TravelSMART focuses on individual households within specific target areas to engage in travel behaviour change which influences a shift in their personal travel towards safer, greener and more active travel choices, whilst reducing car use. Through these collaborative conversations TravelSMART seek to influence residents to make a change in how they get around - reducing their car use in a way that improves their lifestyle or achieves a personal benefit.


Courtney Bartosak
Coordinator Community Partnerships and Programs


Way2Go is an innovative program to get more students safely walking, riding and using public transport for school travel. Way2Go provides schools and councils with resources, strategies and ideas to make school travel safer, greener and more active at no cost to the organisation.

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