Expression of Interest – State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP)
Published Tuesday, 11 February 2020

The State Planning Commission invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified individuals to be appointed to SCAP. Expressions of interest for all positions (including the Presiding Member and Deputy Member) comprising a covering letter of no more than two pages and a curriculum vitae of no more than four pages are invited, and must address the following:
- the candidate’s qualifications, knowledge, expertise and experience (specifically against the requirements above)
- whether the candidate is seeking appointment as a Presiding Member, Deputy Presiding Member or ordinary member
- whether the candidate holds, or is eligible to hold, accreditation as an Accredited Professional – Planning Level 2.
Expressions of interest must be received by 5.00 pm (CDST) on 13 March 2020 via email: For all inquiries please contact Amanda Harfield, A/Manager Governance and Customer Services:
The State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP) is established under South Australia's Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 as a Committee of the State Planning Commission. The SCAP’s powers, functions and duties include the following:
- assess and determine development applications where the State Planning Commission is the relevant authority
- act as the concurring authority for non-complying applications approved by a council or regional assessment panel
- assess and report on crown development and public infrastructure applications to the Minister for Planning
- act as the lodgement authority for all land division applications.
The SCAP will be delivering these functions during and beyond the transition phase to the new planning system under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. The SCAP consists of six members, who are appointed by the State Planning Commission of South Australia. SCAP membership comprises a Presiding Member, a Deputy Presiding Member, four ordinary members and Commission members if determined by the Commission.
The Commission will seek to ensure that the members of SCAP collectively have qualifications, knowledge, expertise and experience in the following areas:
- urban and regional planning, building, environmental management, or a related discipline
- local government
- urban or regional development, commerce or industry
- environmental conservation or management, or the management of natural resources
- the provision of facilities for the benefit of the community
- urban design, building safety or landscaping design.
Members are appointed for a maximum of three years and are eligible for reappointment. SCAP members are required by the Commission to be Accredited Professionals (Accredited Professional – Planning Level 2).