Creating a Living Neighbourhood on Drayton St

A series of six Living Neighbourhoods demonstration projects are in process of being implemented. One of these projects is located in Drayton St, Bowden. The project was managed by City of Charles Sturt and supported by the Department of Infrastructure and Transport.


The objective of the project in Drayton St, Bowden was to create an environment that will help slow traffic and increase pedestrian safety for school students and local residents between Immaculate Heart of Mary Primary School and Parfitt Square playground. The project built on work previously undertaken in this location to rejuvenate the street to instil a sense of 'place'.  Community members took ownership of the project and their street with two artworks painted and completed at the intersections of Drayton St/Fifth St and Drayton/Fourteenth St. A working bee painting day had a high level of community involvement from the school and local residents.


The following video captures the community involvement at the working bee and the project overall.