Your feedback and suggestions are important to assist the Project team to identify issues, risks and opportunities.
Your input may help to shape various aspects of the Project.
All comments and suggestions will be considered by the Project Team.
Information provided will be treated confidentially and responses (when required) will be provided as soon as possible or within 10 working days (public holidays excluded).
First Name
Last Name
Would you like to register for email project updates for the Victor Harbor Road Upgrade?
Email address*
Required field if you would like to receive project updates
Phone number - home
Phone number - business
Phone number - mobile
Street Number/Street Name
Your key area(s) of interest
Please specify
Please indicate each of the following that apply to you (multiple response)
Travelling on Victor Harbor Road
This information will help the project team understand where Victor Harbor Road users travel on a regular basis.
If you are employed, what suburb do you work in?
If a member(s) of your household travels to either school or tertiary education, to which suburb(s) do they travel?
When using Victor Harbor Road to reach a destination for recreation, to which suburb(s) do you travel? e.g. football club, gym, children’s sport?
When using Victor Harbor Road to do your regular shopping, to which suburb do you travel?
Walking and Cycling
What pedestrian and/or cyclist movement do you currently undertake on Victor Harbor Road?
Additional comments
What are you top three priorities for the Victor Harbor Road upgrade that you would like the project team to be aware of?
Your comments, questions, feedback and/or suggestions