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Flagstaff Road Upgrade Project

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the purpose of the Flagstaff Road Upgrade Project?

Flagstaff Road is a major arterial road used by approximately 21,100 motorists every day to commute to work, home or other parts of the city.

For 800 metres of its overall 3.3 kilometre length between Hyland Avenue and Bonneyview Road, Flagstaff Road consists of only three lanes. Traffic in the centre lane is reversed daily to manage traffic flows during peak periods.

The reversible nature of the centre lane can cause confusion for motorists and remains a safety concern.

Once completed, the additional lane on Flagstaff Road (between Hyland Avenue and Bonneyview Road) will:

  • reduce traffic congestion;
  • reduce confusion;
  • improve efficiency and safety for motorists; and
  • allow traffic to pass slow or stopped vehicles.

The State Government has committed $32.9 million for the Flagstaff Road Upgrade Project.

What community engagement has been undertaken to date?

As part of the planning and design phase, the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (the Department) held an information session at Aberfoyle Park Hub Shopping Centre on 16 December 2019 to meet members of the community and understand the specific issues of the current road alignment.

In addition to the information session, the community was invited to provide their feedback via the Government YourSAy website and feedback forms on the project website. This consultation commenced on 7 December 2019, and concluded on 7 January 2020.

The Department held Community Information Sessions at the Flagstaff Hill Golf Club on Wednesday 16 and Saturday 19 June 2021. The community was invited to drop into these to speak with the project team, learn about the project, ask questions and provide us with feedback.

When will construction commence?

Works commenced in early 2021, and the additional lane opened to traffic in mid 2022.

Will properties be impacted?

The concept design for the Flagstaff Road Upgrade Project has carefully considered impacts to properties as much as practically possible.

The project will largely utilise the existing road corridor, however some properties will be impacted.

The Department is currently in communication with affected owners.

How has cycling and pedestrian access been included in this design?

The concept design includes:

  • New Shared Use Path on the eastern side of Flagstaff Road (between Hyland Avenue and Bonneyview Road) matching into the existing bicycle lane and footpath.
  • New northbound bicycle lane on Flagstaff Road (between Main South Road and Bonneyview Road) connecting to the Main South Road intersection off-road separated bicycle path (at the northern end) and the existing northbound bicycle lane (at the southern end).

How will traffic be managed during construction?

The construction program will be carefully staged to reduce the impacts on traffic as much as practically possible. Further information will be provided in advance of works commencing and once the construction program is finalised.

Advanced notice, including signage will be provided when there are impacts on road users.

How will noise be managed during construction?

Construction noise cannot be eliminated altogether, however works will be managed to minimise disturbance to nearby properties as much as practically possible with a range of control measures to be implemented, including:

  • providing advance notice of works to residents;
  • wherever possible, scheduling the noisiest activities during the day or early evening;
  • maintaining machinery to a high standard to reduce noise levels and minimise vibration;
  • using a low noise reversing squawker, instead of the traditional reversing beeper;
  • handling materials in a way that reduces the number of vehicle movements;
  • enclosing stationary small plant and equipment such as generators to reduce noise levels;
  • monitoring noise and vibration levels where required to ensure they do not exceed compliance levels; and
  • consideration of alternative construction methodologies where appropriate.

What impact will there be on vegetation in the area as part of the project?

As the design progresses further details will be made available regarding any vegetation impacts and revegetation of the project area following construction. Consideration is always given to limit the removal of vegetation along project corridors as much as possible, however for a large upgrade such as this, it is likely some vegetation will be impacted.