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The Grove Way and Canterbury Drive, Salisbury Heights

We’re delivering an election commitment to improve safety and access in the northern suburbs.

This program involves planning, designing and constructing upgrades to improve access to and from local roads and improve access for vehicles to travel north from Salisbury Heights.

The Grove Way and Canterbury Drive junction upgrade aims to improve access exiting Canterbury Drive onto The Grove Way. Currently, drivers turning from Canterbury Drive onto The Grove Way experience delays which can result in frustration and unsafe driver behaviour.

The proposed concept design includes:

  • widening of the centre median to improve ease of turning right from Canterbury Drive and to accommodate buses
  • road widening and realignment of footpath to accommodate wider centre median
  • new pedestrian refuge and pram ramps.

The Grove Way and Canterbury Drive, Salisbury Heights concept design

Further Information

If you have any questions or to provide feedback on the project, please:

You can visit the links below for the latest information and to register for project updates.