Nottage Terrace and North East Road Intersection Upgrade
Project Update
The new and improved Nottage Terrace and North East Road intersection has opened to traffic, easing congestion and improving traffic flow in north-eastern Adelaide by increasing the capacity to turn left onto North East Road from Nottage Terrace.
As part of the project, the north side of Nottage Terrace has been widened to accommodate two left-turn lanes onto North East Road, improving traffic flow for vehicles travelling between Main North Road and North East Road along Nottage Terrace.
The upgrade has improved pedestrian crossings and traffic islands at the intersection, including new pedestrian crossing lights and ramps, new line marking, and a new eastbound bike lane on Nottage Terrace. Read the latest Media Release for further details.
About the Project
The Australian and South Australian Governments are jointly funding (50:50) the $6 million Nottage Terrace and North East Road Intersection Upgrade. The upgrade is expected to support approximately 10 full-time equivalent jobs over the life of the project.
North East Road is a major commuter corridor providing an important connection between the CBD and Adelaide’s north-eastern suburbs. This intersection upgrade will increase the capacity for vehicles turning left onto North East Road from Nottage Terrace, creating an overall improvement of traffic flow for vehicles travelling between Main North Road and North East Road along Nottage Terrace.
Approximately 62,000 vehicles use this intersection daily, and it is currently over capacity in both the morning and afternoon peak. Drivers using the intersection are experiencing heavy congestion. Currently, traffic queues to turn left from Nottage Terrace onto North East Road, resulting in long delays for traffic particularly during the afternoon peak period. This also disrupts vehicles heading north-east from Northcote Terrace onto North East Road through the intersection.
During the five-year period between 2016 and 2020 there were 50 reported crashes at the intersection. Of these reported crashes, there was one serious injury crash, 11 minor injury crashes and 38 property damage crashes. 40% (20) of the crashes at the intersection were right turn crashes.
When speaking with the community about the Main North Road and Nottage Terrace intersection, feedback was received that an upgrade was also required at this intersection.
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Project Benefits
The intersection upgrade is expected to:
- improve travel times, particularly for drivers turning left from Nottage Terrace onto North East Road in the afternoon peak period
- improve bicycle facilities
- improve safety for road users.
This work will complement the recently completed Main North Road and Nottage Terrace intersection upgrade.
Proposed Design
The Department for Infrastructure and Transport sought feedback on the proposed concept design between February and July 2022. Engagement activities included an online survey, virtual online meetings, listening posts and one on one meetings with residents along Nottage Terrace.
The consistent feedback received included the importance of maintaining on-street parking along Nottage Terrace where possible and the request for noise mitigation measures as part of the project. Residents also expressed a preference for the right turn from Stephen Terrace to be retained as part of the upgrade.
All feedback received from the community was reviewed and considered by the project team and the concept design has been updated to:
- retain 10 parking spaces east of Corbin Road west of 32 Nottage Terrace; and
- retain the right turn from Stephen Terrace into North East Road.
The intersection performance, including queues and crash data, will be monitored post completion to assess whether any further changes to parking along Nottage Terrace are required.
The design also includes:
- widening of Nottage Terrace (north side) to accommodate two left-turn lanes onto North East Road
- upgraded pedestrian crossings and traffic islands at the intersection, including new pedestrian crossing lights and ramps
- road re-surfacing and new line marking
- a new eastbound bike lane on Nottage Terrace through the intersection
- new and upgraded traffic signals, road lighting and drainage.
Please note, this is an artist's impression for illustrative purposes only and not a final design.
Download a copy of the concept plan.
Project Timing
Construction commenced in December 2021 and was completed in April 2023.
Further Information
If you have any further enquiries regarding this project, please:
- email
- phone 1300 794 880