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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of The Gorge Road and Silkes Road Junction Upgrade Project?

This project is focused on improving traffic flow and safety for users of the intersection.

To address the safety of all road users and improve traffic flow in the area, the project will involve:

  • The installation of traffic signals at the Gorge Road and Silkes Road Intersection.
  • Provision for future traffic signal installation at the Gorge and Pattinson intersection.
  • Widening along Gorge Road and the corners of Gorge Road with both Silkes Road and Pattinson Road.
  • Improved pedestrian facilities

What was considered in the design process?

Key considerations in development of the proposed design included access to local businesses, social impacts, reducing the need for land acquisition, environment and heritage, existing infrastructure such as water, power and gas utilities, and the funding allocation.

The design also had to align with relevant standards and design guides.

What is the proposed concept design?  

Gorge and Silkes - Concept Design - DIT

Is property acquisition required to facilitate the project?

No property acquisition is required for the proposed concept design.

Other than property acquisition, does the preferred concept design contain any other impacts to local businesses and private properties?  

Some access to properties may be need to be modified. Any impacted landowners will be notified and consulted in advance of works starting.

What are the impacts to vegetation in the preferred concept design?

The project site does not contain any native vegetation as defined by the Native Vegetation Act 199, or any habitat suitable for native fauna.

What are the impacts to local heritage?  

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has identified there are no impacts to local heritage from this project

How is noise being managed during construction?

Works will be undertaken to mitigate noise impacts and if night works are required they will also be implemented in accordance with departmental guidelines.

Will there be any impacts to public transport services?

The project is aware of the bus routes along Gorge Road and Silkes Roads and that Pattinson Road is a primary access/egress route from the bus deport located nearby at the corner of Papagni Avenue and Meredith Street.

Bus stop 28 on Gorge Road for westbound traffic is within the area of works, and may be temporarily relocated during works and will be permanently relocated close to its current position.

Public transport users, residents and local businesses will be notified if a temporary relocation of a surrounding bus stop.

Have improvements for pedestrians and cyclists been considered in the preferred concept design?

The traffic signals at the Gorge Road and Silkes Road junction will cater for pedestrians to cross these roads, the crossing over Gorge Road will be to the south of Silkes Road.

New pedestrian ramps and a refuge in the centre of Pattinson Road twill improve safety for pedestrians crossing this road.  Cycle lanes will be provided on Gorge Road.

How do I contact the project or seek out more information?

If you have any further enquiries or would like to register your interest in the project to receive updates, please: