The Carers Recognition Act
Reporting against the Carers Recognition Act 2005
The principles of the Carers Charter are incorporated into the department’s strategic human resource framework, online training and corporate induction programs. Operating procedures set out the responsibilities of managers to assist employees to meet their caring responsibilities and provide a range of options to employees, including family carers’ leave, flexible hours, flexible leave arrangements and access to special leave.
South Australians with severe and permanent disabilities which limit their capacity to use public transport independently are able to apply for transport assistance such as the Plus One Free Companion card and the South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme. The Plus One Free Companion card provides assistance to people who cannot travel independently due to mobility, cognitive, sensory or communication impairments. Companion/carers accompanying Plus One Free Companion card holders travel on all Adelaide Metro bus, train and tram services free of charge.
The department also provides specific public transport information for carers via, as well as the Adelaide Metro InfoLine and InfoCentres.
The department convenes the department’s Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC), which meets regularly with representatives from South Australian peak groups for people with disability, their advocates and carers.