The administration of the Harbors and Navigation Act
Report on the administration of the Harbors and Navigation Act 1993
The following report is provided in accordance with section 10 of the Harbors and Navigation Act 1993 (the Act).
Registration and licences
To date there are 277 007 recreational boating licence holders and 1785 special permit holders. During the 2015-16 financial year the six month registration option for recreational vessels up to maximum length of seven metres was taken up by 22 per cent of the recreational boating fleet. 78 per cent have continued to use the 12 month option.
Boating safety
The department continues to work on marine safety collaboratively with local government and other South Australian Government agencies to consider introducing or removing speed restrictions or creating restricted areas to implement other safety controls measures.
A safety campaign promoting the uses of Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) during the peak drowning season was conducted during December 2015 to March 2016, which included media releases; variable message signs strategically located at high volume traffic areas leading to popular destinations; government email/online promotions; press advertisements; promotional handouts and Facebook/twitter information. PFDs were monitored during the boating season with penalties for non-compliance.
Kayak and canoe operators have continued to apply for exemptions from registration, boat licence and safety equipment that applies to a vessel fitted with an engine. There were 46 kayak and canoe exemption applications, and eight exemptions issued for the reporting year.
Safe operation of vessels
3912 recreational vessels were inspected during 2015-16, of which 1756 were found to be non-compliant. Of those vessels, 376 expiation notices were issued, 247 were sent ashore and 288 were prevented from launching the vessel to operate. The Easter 2016 holiday period was typically busy, with 351 being detected during that period. Marine safety officers mounted displays at the 2015 SA Boat show and the 2015 Club Marine Boat and Fishing show. Information sessions and boat licence examinations are conducted at these shows, as well as at other times for community groups and boating clubs. During the year officers conducted 90 information sessions, and provided examinations for 2078 boat licence candidates.
There was a small percentage increase in Aquatic Activity Licence activities observed within the last reporting year predominantly on the River Murray. Christmas and New Year activity licences were primarily for fireworks state wide, with small localised events and passive activity requests increasing due to increased safety and liability.
Marine facilities
The State Government has committed more than $2.6m for boating facility upgrades in regional areas of South Australia. These projects will be funded on a 50-50 basis by the State Government’s Boating Facilities Fund and the relevant local council:
- more than $1m towards a $2m upgrade of the Port Hughes boat ramp which includes a relocation of the launching ramps at Port Hughes and the construction of a concrete wharf
- $253,000 to upgrade the Mannum Riverbank wharf by replacing the existing concrete structure with a timber wharf and dredging of the area
- $55,630 for Stage 1 of the Baudin Beach upgrade
- $300,000 to construct a single lane concrete boat ramp at Wellington East
Eleven new lit beacons to mark a navigation channel in Lake Alexandrina between Clayton and Wellington were installed in May 2016. Additionally, over a period of 3 to 5 years, a review of navigation markers at Streaky Bay, Venus Bay, Port Augusta South Channel, Barker Inlet and Lower Lakes will be undertaken.