Growth and Job Creation
The Department delivers growth and prosperity through innovation, contributing to the State’s Economic Priorities and making South Australia the best place to live, visit and do business.
HighlightsInitiatives | Outcomes | ||
Jobs Growth | Private Sector Prosperity | Sustainable Development | |
In progressing toward this strategic objective the department: | |||
Finalised stage one of zoning for retail centres in metro areas and Victor Harbor to promote competition and remove unnecessary barriers to investment |
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Passed the Motor Vehicles (Trials of Automotive Technologies) Amendment Bill and established the Driverless Vehicles website |
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Approved two major development proposals to the value of $89 million and declared a further two projects to the value of $84 million |
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Assessed and approved 30 proposals to the value of $1266 million through the department’s pre-lodgement and design review process. |
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Progressed a targeted update to the 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide through collaborative engagement sessions with local government and industry | |||
Commenced and significantly progressed the development of the Ports Strategy |
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Provided specific and targeted advice to government regarding future service provision in the northern Flinders Ranges region brought about as a result of the closure of the Leigh Creek coal mine |
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Commenced major construction works on the O-Bahn City Access Project |
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Continued works on the joint Australian and South Australian Governments, Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands Main Access Road Upgrade Project with construction involving some 210km of main access road with job creation of 30 per cent Anangu employment. |
Targets for 2016-17Initiatives | Outcomes | ||
Jobs Growth | Private Sector Prosperity | Sustainable Development | |
In support of this objective for the coming year the department will: | |||
Finalise the state variation to the National Construction Code to enable activation of older buildings and continued case management support |
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Enact transitional legislation to implement the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 in a staged approach over the next five years | |||
Reform the legislative provisions that govern how council boundaries can be changed under the Local Government Act 1999 |
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Implement the revised code of conduct for elected members and council employees |
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Commence the extension of the Tonsley Rail line to Flinders Medical Centre (Flinders Link) – extension of the existing Tonsley Line by 620 metres, including a 520 metre rail bridge over Sturt and South Roads, a new station next to Flinders Medical Centre - this project will be delivered in conjunction with the Darlington Upgrade Project |
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Award a major works contract for a new rail underpass at Torrens Junction |
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Commence construction relating to the Last Mile Program, and continue to implement other initiatives identified through the 90 Day Change@SA project to improve road transport access for the agricultural sector |
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Complete the Ports Strategy and commence the Freight Strategy |
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The Australian and South Australian Governments continue to work together to deliver a range of programs aimed at improving the efficiency and safety of the transport system across South Australia. Key projects in 2016–17 include: North‑South Corridor, Northern Connector Project— commence major works on the construction of a new 15.5 km three lane motorway in both directions which connects the Northern Expressway and Port Wakefield Road to the Port River Expressway and South Road Superway, including four major road interchanges and a 16 km shared use path for cyclists and pedestrians which will connect to the existing pathway adjacent to the Northern Expressway – 480 jobs per year during construction phase. North‑South Corridor, Torrens Road to River Torrens upgrade — continue construction of a four kilometre non-stop roadway (incorporating three kilometres of lowered motorway) between Ashwin Parade, Torrensville and Pym Street, Croydon Park, including intersection upgrades, an overpass for the Outer Harbor passenger rail line, and improved cycling and pedestrian facilities - 480 jobs per year during construction phase.
North-South Corridor, Darlington Upgrade Project— commence major construction works on the upgrade of approximately 3.3 kilometres of the existing Main South Road between the Southern Expressway and Tonsley Boulevard, including a lowered motorway, intersection improvements and enhanced cycling and walking facilities -370 jobs per year during construction. Goodwood and Torrens Rail Junctions Upgrade — 212 jobs per year during the delivery of the project. Commence delivery of the remaining three components of this project, which include:
Flinders Link