Community-focused and customer-focused services
The Department fosters community and business input leading to simpler, faster and more efficient customer-focused services, and contributes to Open Government outcomes by increasing the availability of information and transparency in decision making.
HighlightsInitiatives | Outcomes | |||
Community Participation | Customer Satisfaction | Active & Healthy Communities | Informed customers | |
In progressing toward this strategic objective the department: | ||||
Supported the Premier’s state/local government forum to progress matters of mutual interest and enhance intergovernmental cooperation |
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Implemented the Municipal Services on Aboriginal Lands Program |
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Developed the South Australian Regional Level Recreation and Sport Facilities Planning Guidelines in collaboration with the Local Government Association |
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Supported Recreation SA to develop the SA Recreational Trails 10-Year Master Plan and provided funding for two projects identified in the Master Plan |
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Established a partnership with the Conservation Council of SA that resulted in the delivery of environmental sustainability training and a manual for sport and recreation organisations, including information on minimising utility consumption |
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Continued the second phase of 360 degree service reviews with state associations and industry peak bodies and is anticipated to be completed early in 2016–17 |
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Through the Office for Recreation and Sport (ORS), approved 769 grants valued at $32.058 million for sport and recreation organisations to improve the experience of participants through new facilities, new programs and new equipment |
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Supported more than 225 000 volunteers working in the sport and recreation sector by helping volunteer-based organisations improve their organisational capacity and practices through the STARCLUB Club Development Program and the V-STAR Volunteer Management web tool |
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Completed upgrades at some of the state’s major sporting infrastructure, including at the SA Athletics Stadium, Eagle Mountain Bike Park and the Priceline Stadium (Netball SA) |
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Funded or contributed to plans to increase community access to sport and recreation spaces through several significant projects including at Mt Barker, Roxby Downs, Playford, Murray Bridge and Kilburn and for a state BMX facility |
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Worked, through ORS, with sport and recreation organisations to promote the benefits of diversity and inclusion across the sport sector, providing advocacy and delivering education for diversity and inclusion generally, and specific initiatives to address the needs of targeted population groups |
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Engaged Aboriginal South Australians in sport and recreation through several ORS initiatives, including a leadership camp for emerging indigenous leaders, adapting the Essentials for Coaching Children (ECC) training course, delivering the adapted ECC Course in four communities across the APY lands and facilitating targeted participation programs across regional SA |
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Consulted with indigenous leaders in Adelaide, Ceduna and Pt Lincoln to co-design the future of the Indigenous Sport Program |
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Expanded the range of new vehicles able to be registered by motor vehicle dealers via EzyReg to include larger light commercial vehicles |
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Commenced review of Conditional Registration Scheme for Historic, Left Hand Drive and Street Rod Vehicles to consider allowing modifications to vehicles registered on the scheme |
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Implemented the South Australian Integrated Land Information System (SAILIS) and introduced Priority Notices allowing for the protection of interests in land prior to lodgement |
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Delivered the first General Valuation for the State using SAILIS, comprising $366 billion of capital value for use by local government, SA Water and Revenue SA for rating and taxing purposes; and $214 billion of site value primarily used for Land Tax purposes and by some regional councils |
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Introduced Client Authorisation which offers efficiencies by streamlining the preparation of Land Titles Office (LTO) documentation in readiness for the implementation of National Electronic Conveyancing (NEC) in South Australia |
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Completed the second stage of amendments to the South Australian Real Property Act 1886 and other statutes required for the implementation of National Electronic Conveyancing in South Australia |
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Delivered the Residents Win grant program, which provided funds totalling $50 000 to community driven projects to create people friendly streets and safer roads. |
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Also in support of this objective:63 South Australian Sports Institute (SASI) athletes competed at world championships. 23 SASI athletes medalled in seven sports bringing home a total of 38 medals across 32 events (11 gold, 14 silver, 7 bronze). Nine SASI athletes were crowned world champions. The first full year of sport vouchers, approximately 53 000 vouchers were redeemed for primary school aged children of which an estimated 20 000 children were new members to the sporting activities There were 12 051 participants registered in VACSWIM, an affordable water safety program for children aged 5 to 13 years, conducted in the summer school holidays at pools and beaches around the state ORS supports volunteers through its State Coaching and Officiating Centre, which delivers courses to help South Australians attain skills and qualifications to coach or officiate in sport. |
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Digital by defaultThe department made significant headway in establishing its digital transformation agenda through the development of an over-arching paper that will guide the department’s digital transformation. The paper includes the principles to inform future investment, and the approach to delivering simple, effective digital services which will meet our customers’ needs and contribute to our strategic objectives. Progress monitoring will occur, in terms of digital maturity, across the coming months aiming to improve on the benchmark established with the initial assessment. |
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Open dataThe department has been a strong contributor to the South Australian Government’s Open Data initiative, with a drive to increase Open Data publication. This has been by way of the establishment of an Open Data Action Group, and demonstrated through having achieved the department’s target of a 25 per cent increase in published open datasets, with a 39 per cent (50 datasets) as at June 2016. The department has sought to improve management of the quality of data published with all datasets now subject to a quality assessment utilising the Open Data Institute criteria and subsequent certification. Of the 50 datasets published, all have been quality certified with 49 certified as “Silver” and one certified as “Bronze”. This means that for the majority of published datasets the following applies:
“Silver data is openly licensed, available with no restrictions, accessible and legally reusable. The data is documented in a machine readable format, reliable and offers ongoing support from the publisher via a dedicated communication channel”. |
Targets for 2016-17Initiatives | Outcomes | |||
Community Participation | Customer Satisfaction | Active & Healthy Communities | Informed customers | |
In support of this objective for the coming year the department will: | ||||
Collaborative implementation of a new planning and development system including:
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Contribute to selection of 30 South Australian Sports Institute (SASI) athletes for the 2016 Rio Olympic Team and 10 SASI athletes for the 2016 Rio Paralympic Team | ||||
Aim that SASI athletes medal at international benchmark events, including the Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games, in four sports | ||||
Deliver an Economic and Social Cost Benefit Analysis Tool that can be applied to recreation and sport facilities | ||||
Deliver a regional sport pathways pilot project to improve access to specialist coaching to youth identified through talent identification program | ||||
Implement a state wide strategy to formally recognise sporting clubs as STARCLUBS when they have completed the STARCLUB development program | ||||
Deliver a National Active Recreation Strategy in partnership with all states and territories to provide national alignment and local support for the South Australian recreation sector | ||||
Finalise a review of the 2014 local government elections | ||||
Identify needed improvements to the Municipal Services on Aboriginal Lands Program | ||||
Reform the legislative provisions that govern how council boundaries can be changed under the Local Government Act 1999 | ||||
Implement the revised code of conduct for elected members and council employees | ||||
Deliver online booking and account management facilities for Authorised Diving Examiners | ||||
Deliver the changes to the department’s Vehicles Registration and Licensing System to support the introduction of a deregulated Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance market | ||||
Continue to engage with our customers to develop initiatives that promote MetroCard, real time travel and event services to attract customers to use public transport | ||||
Improve transparency and reporting around performance and accountability to enhance our public transport system for all customers | ||||
Implement information and communication technology system enhancements to support the state’s participation in the National Electronic Conveyancing System | ||||
Introduce legislation to strengthen drug driving penalties | ||||
Double the number of Aboriginal people living in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands and Maralinga Tjarutja (MT) Lands who achieve a P2 licence, as a result of being clients of ‘On the Right Track Remote’, using 2015–16 data as a base line |
More Information
Heavy Vehicle Drivers Handbook
Local Government Association of South Australia