Target 68: Urban development
By 2036, 70% of all new housing in metropolitan Adelaide will be built in established areas
(the department is lead agency on this target)
During 2015-16, the department has been establishing the framework for a contemporary and competitive planning system for South Australia through passage of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. This legislation is designed to facilitate and attract high-quality development, streamline assessment processes and provide for the digitisation of the planning system. The next step will be the enacting of transitional legislation to implement the new Act in a staged approach over the next five years.
The update of the 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide will continue to place more focus upon the regeneration of existing suburbs in order to reduce further expansion and sprawl on the urban fringe. This will be supported by:
- reinforcing the role of the Environment and Food Production Area as important protected lands for the production of quality food and wine, the protection of our unique environment and for tourism, recreation and water supply
- locating growth areas in close proximity to jobs, services, transport systems, community facilities and recreation areas to maximise the efficiency of our infrastructure and promote healthy, active communities
- ensuring a diversity of housing choice in well-designed places where people want to live.
During 2015/16 the following eight Ministerial Development Plan Amendments (DPA) were approved:
- Minda North Brighton Campus DPA
- Employment Lands (Gillman / Dry Creek and Wingfield) and General Section Amendments DPA
- Park Lands Zone DPA
- Playford Urban Growth Areas (Angle Vale, Virginia and Playford North Extension) DPA (Part 4)
- Port Augusta District Centre Expansion DPA
- Existing Activity Centres Policy Review DPA
- Glenelg District Centre (Jetty Road) and Residential High Density Zone Review DPA
- Victor Harbor Centres and Residential DPA.
Completion of these Ministerial DPAs will result in increased opportunities for medium to high density mixed use development in targeted infill areas, increased investment in public infrastructure (including the O-Bahn City Access Project) as well as increased investment in employment generating activities in metropolitan and regional South Australia.
Residential Design Guidelines are being finalised for consultation. The guidelines aim to positively affect the design quality of new residential developments.