Target 33: Government planning decisions
South Australia leads the nation in timely decisions of development applications through to 2020
(the department is lead agency for this target).
The department progressed toward this target with:
- 468 Land Use applications assessed, with 74 per cent processed within statutory time frames (decreased from 80 per cent last year)
- 281 Crown Development applications assessed, with 82 per cent processed within statutory time frames (decreased from 88 per cent last year)
- 3542 Land Division applications were lodged with the Development Assessment Commission.
The increase in the complexity of development applications has resulted in a small decrease in decision time frames from 2014-15 levels. The addition of new staff and workflow improvements will assist in meeting statutory targets moving forward. The implementation of an electronic lodgement system is also in accordance with State Government e-planning initiatives to further streamline assessment processes.
The department’s continued work on planning reforms achieved the following outcomes:
- Total ‘Development Cost’ value of land use applications:
- assessed by Development Assessment Commission - $1.867 billion
- assessed by Minister for Planning - $1.099 billion.
Inner Metropolitan Development Assessment:
- 33 projects with a combined estimated value of $1.4 billion were granted Development Plan Consent by the Inner Metropolitan Development Assessment Committee
- 8 projects with a combined estimated value of $377 million were under active assessment
- 17 projects with a combined estimated value of $681 million were progressing through the pre-lodgement service
- 4 potential projects with a combined estimated value of $130 million were the subject of preliminary enquiries.
Major Developments (under the Development Act 1993):
- 20 major developments equating to over $6.5 billion were being considered under the major development process
- 2 proposals were declared major developments
- 4 proposals previously declared major developments were under active assessment
- 2 proposals previously declared major developments were approved.
State Coordinator-General initiative:
- 23 development proposals with a total estimated value of $659.5 million were determined to be of economic significance to the State
- 20 proposals with a combined estimated value of $314 million were granted Development Plan Consent by the Development Assessment Commission (DAC)
- 13 additional proposals were lodged with DAC for assessment with an estimated value of $191 million
- A further 10 projects with the estimated value of $345.5 million which have been assigned to DAC have yet to submit applications for assessment.
Planning and Development Fund:
- the Places for People and Open Space programs (supported by the Planning and Development Fund) contributed $14.15 million to 28 open space and public realm projects across the State
- $4.5 million allocation for the Marshmallow Park demonstration project in Pityarilla Park and $375,000 provided for the Wakefield Road Skate Park as part of a four year, $20m investment in community space demonstration projects in the Adelaide Park Lands
- The Fund provided $2 million towards Vibrant City and Riverbank Precinct projects.