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Child restraint videos

The On The Right Track team has developed a series of videos about using child restraints safely.

The videos are in English and in Pitjantjatjara.

Video 1: Safe and secure in the baby capsule

This video features 4 characters: mother, aunty, teenage daughter and baby girl. The video deals with natural instinct – holding a baby in your arms. For a baby it can be the safest place to be, but not when travelling in a motor vehicle.

Video 2: Keep the little ones safe on every trip

This video features dad, mum, baby girl, 7-year-old boy, teenage boy, aunty, teenage daughter and grandad. The video emphasises the importance of everybody in a car wearing an appropriate seatbelt or child restraint.

Video 3: Grandad keeps the kids safe

This video features a 7-year-old boy, teenage daughter and grandad. This is a moment where grandad realises that maybe the old way – when his grandson would sit on his lap in the car – wasn’t the safest way. He realises that he must keep the kids safe if he's to be able to teach them our culture, and so keep it alive.

Video 4: Every car needs child restraints

This video features dad, mum, baby girl, 7-year-old boy, teenage boy and grandad. Dad takes us through the important process of installing child restraints correctly in a new car.

Child restraint image