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Bus timetable changes, 22 April and 29 April 2018

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Four southern suburbs bus timetables are changing from Sunday 22 April, in line with new train timetables, with a further 49 bus timetables changing from Sunday 29 April.

The four bus timetables in the southern suburbs have been adjusted to maintain connections for buses and trains at interchanges along the Seaford line, commencing this Sunday.

The following week, from Sunday, 29 April, further bus timetables will change.

O-Bahn bus timetables will also change as the new O-Bahn tunnel delivers greater time savings than originally estimated.

Times on a number of bus routes have been adjusted to better reflect actual travel times for more reliable services.

New express services will also run from Tea Tree Plaza to Port Adelaide.

Some bus stops on King William Road have been removed with the introduction of the new Festival Plaza tram.

Customers are urged to prepare for these service changes by familiarising themselves with the new timetables, now available in digital real time on the Adelaide Metro website.

For information on scheduled changes please visit the Adelaide Metro website at or call the Adelaide Metro Infoline on 1300 311 108.